This is an old revision of the document!

Latest releases (Source code)

EDE 2.1downloadmd5: 232300328557a75ad2aef5fdc064002e
edelib 2.1 downloadmd5: 2e6ee2e1ceaea327967ed55868a1cb9f

:!: Make sure you read InstallationHowTo about required packages!


You can also download, compile and install latest EDE version from source code via a friendly NetInstall script by running (as superuser):

wget && python netinstall

ISO image

Simply want to try out EDE? Get the image of a live CD that comes with it!

The Remastersys team created an Ubuntu 12.04 based distribution with EDE (2.0) which you can burn on CD or use with a virtual drive.

rem-ede-final-1.iso download
md5 checksum download

Repository source

To download the latest source code from repository, you will need subversion installed. Here is how to checkout EDE components:

  • ede: svn co
  • edelib: svn co

You can also browse it directly via Sourceforge.
