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installingonarchlinux [2013/06/05 18:10]
kraileth Just style changes again
installingonarchlinux [2015/10/03 14:54] (current)
Line 1: Line 1:
-====== Installing EDE on Arch Linux ====== +The former ​content ​of this page was moved [[EDEOnArchLinux|here]].
- +
-When installing ''​EDE''​ on an ''​Arch Linux''​ machine you can choose between using a custom repository provided by ''​EDE''​ or building the packages yourself. Using the former ​method, ''​pacman''​ will take care of updating ''​EDE''​ if a new version is released on the ''​EDE''​ repository. +
- +
-===== Installing pre-built packages ===== +
- +
-**Note: All packages in the ''​EDE''​ repository are currently //​unsigned//​!** +
- +
-Installing EDE can be done in 4 simple steps: +
-  - Open your pacman configuration file (///​etc/​pacman.conf//​) with your favorite editor +
-  - Add the following lines to it (you can just leave the //$arch// variable as it is; your system knows it): <​code>​ +
-  ​[ede] +
-  SigLevel = Never +
-  Server = http://​www.equinox-project.org/​repos/​arch/​$arch +
-</​code>​ +
-  - Update pacman database files by invoking: **pacman -Syy** +
-  - Simply install ''​EDE''​ like any other package. E.g.: **pacman -S ede** +
- +
-===== Available packages ===== +
- +
-''​EDE''​ for Arch is currently split into four packages: +
- +
-  * **edelib** - ''​EDE'''​s support library which implements functions not provided by ''​FLTK''​ +
-  * **ede-common** - Platform independent data for ''​EDE''​ (e.g. icons) +
-  * **ede** - ''​EDE''​ and ''​PekWM''​ binaries +
-  * **ede-wallpapers** - __Optional__ wallpaper package +
- +
-===== Trouble shooting ===== +
- +
-If you're experiencing difficulties,​ it might help tp add the lines mentioned above at the beginning of the file //​pacman.conf//​ instead of appending them at the end. +
- +
-===== Building / installing from source ====== +
- +
-For Arch Linux there are two //​PKGBUILD//​ files available in the [[https://​aur.archlinux.org/​|AUR]]: **edelib** and **ede**. You can download those and use the ''​Arch Build System''​ to create the packages. +
- +
-Alternatively you can of course follow the generic building procedure, too: InstallingFromSource. +
- +
-===== Starting EDE ===== +
- +
-You can either use a graphical login manager to bring up ''​EDE''​ or simply use ''​Xorg'''​s //startx// command (make sure you have installed the package //​xorg-xinit//​ in the later case. It is not part of //​xorg-server//​ on ''​Arch Linux''​!). If you want to use //startx//, just create a new file **.xinitrc** with the content //exec startede// in your home directory. You can do so with the following two commands: +
- +
-<​code>​ +
-cd +
-echo "exec startede"​ > .xinitrc +
-</​code>​ +