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edeonopenbsd [2015/08/04 18:18]
kraileth Fixed incorrect wiki markup.
edeonopenbsd [2015/10/03 14:54] (current)
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 ====== EDE on OpenBSD ====== ====== EDE on OpenBSD ======
-''​EDE''​ was ported to ''​%%OpenBSD%%''​ and packages ​were created ​for various architectures. You can either install ''​EDE''​ from these packages, build it from the ports or compile and install it manually.+''​EDE''​ was ported to ''​%%OpenBSD%%''​ and packages ​are available ​for various architectures. You can either install ''​EDE''​ from these packages, build it from the ports or compile and install it manually.
 ===== Using pre-build packages ===== ===== Using pre-build packages =====
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   make install   make install
-==== Building / installing from source ====+===== Building / installing from source ​=====
 Alternatively you can of course follow the generic building procedure, too: InstallingFromSource. Alternatively you can of course follow the generic building procedure, too: InstallingFromSource.