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edeonalpinelinux [2014/07/06 06:29]
kraileth created
edeonalpinelinux [2015/10/03 14:54] (current)
Line 46: Line 46:
 You can of course follow the generic building procedure, too: InstallingFromSource. You can of course follow the generic building procedure, too: InstallingFromSource.
-Just make sure to issue the following command from the source directory before you run "​jam":​+Just make sure to issue the following command from the source directory before you run "​jam" ​(to fix a musl related issue):
 <​code>​ <​code>​
Line 56: Line 56:
 You can either use a graphical login manager to bring up ''​EDE''​ or simply use ''​Xorg'''​s //startx// command. You can either use a graphical login manager to bring up ''​EDE''​ or simply use ''​Xorg'''​s //startx// command.
-If you want to use //startx//, just create a new file **.xinitrc** with the content //exec startede// in your home directory. You can do so with the following command ​to fix a musl related issue:+If you want to use //startx//, just create a new file **.xinitrc** with the content //exec startede// in your home directory. You can do so with the following command:
 <​code>​ <​code>​
 cd ~ && echo "exec startede"​ > .xinitrc cd ~ && echo "exec startede"​ > .xinitrc
 </​code>​ </​code>​