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development [2013/05/31 12:29]
sanel created
development [2015/10/03 14:54] (current)
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-===== EDE development =====+====== EDE development ​======
-These pages are starting point for developing various ​EDE parts, including ​using edelib library. This is also a good place for future contributors.+These pages are meant as a starting point for developing various parts of ''​EDE''​, including ​usage of the ''​edelib'' ​library. This is also a good place for future contributors.
 ===== Introduction ===== ===== Introduction =====
-EDE main development language is C++ and the GUI toolkit is [[http://​www.fltk.org|FLTK]]. ​Because ​FLTK does not provide ​needed requirements ​for one desktop environment,​ EDE comes with own additional library called ''​edelib''​. You can see edelib ​as kdelib ​for KDE, but much much smaller ​one :)+''​EDE'''​s ​main development language is //C++// and the GUI toolkit ​used is [[http://​www.fltk.org|FLTK]]. ​Since ''​FLTK'' ​does not provide ​some functions required ​for desktop environment, ​''​EDE'' ​comes with its own additional library called ''​edelib''​. You could compare ''​edelib''​ with ''​kdelib''​ from ''​KDE''​just muchmuch smaller:)
-If you ever used FLTK before, you already know the large part or EDE and edelib design as they resembles ​much of FLTK approach. ​If not, development with FLTK is extremely simple. ​Starting points you can find at [[http://​www.fltk.org/​doc-1.1/​basics.html#​basics|FLTK Basics]] and full documentation with details at [[http://​www.fltk.org/​doc-1.3/​|FLTK Programming Manual]].+If you ever used ''​FLTK'' ​before, you already know the largest ​part of ''​EDE'' ​and ''​edelib'' ​design as they resemble ​much of the usual ''​FLTK'' ​approach. ​But even if not, development with ''​FLTK'' ​is extremely simple. ​You can find starting points ​at [[http://​www.fltk.org/​doc-1.1/​basics.html#​basics|FLTK Basics]] and full documentation with details at [[http://​www.fltk.org/​doc-1.3/​|FLTK Programming Manual]].
-edelib API documentation is located ​at [[http://​equinox-project.org/​api/​edelib|edelib API reference]] ​link.+''​edelib'' ​API documentation is located ​here: [[http://​equinox-project.org/​api/​edelib|edelib API reference]].
 ===== Getting started with edelib ===== ===== Getting started with edelib =====
-  * EdelibBasics shows how to create and compile simple application using FLTK and edelib. +  * EdelibBasics shows how to create and compile simple application using ''​FLTK''​ together with ''​edelib''​
-  * HandlingEvents shows how to react when something happens (e.g. button was pressed). +  * HandlingEvents shows how to react when something happens (e.g. button was pressed). 
-  * BasicEdeApplication shows how to integrate your program with EDE tree.+  * BasicEdeApplication shows how to integrate your program with the ''​EDE'' ​tree.
   * StoringApplicationSettings shows how to save and read application preferences.   * StoringApplicationSettings shows how to save and read application preferences.
-  * EdelibLogging shows how to use logging functions and how to write custom logger backend. +  * EdelibLogging shows how to use logging functions and how to write custom logger backend. 
-  * EdelibScript describes edelib-script,​ a small scripting language that comes with edelib and EDE.+  * EdelibScript describes ​//''​edelib''​-script//, a small scripting language that comes with ''​edelib'' ​and ''​EDE''​.
 ===== Getting started with EDE components ===== ===== Getting started with EDE components =====
   * PanelAppletDevelopment shows how to create new panel applet.   * PanelAppletDevelopment shows how to create new panel applet.